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Türkçe İngilizce Sözlük
hangi Which...? ––niz Which of you? –– akla hizmet ediyor? colloq. What's making him do such a strange thing? –– biri Which one (of a large number)? –– cehennemin dibinden geldin? colloq. Where the hell did you come from? –– dağda kurt öldü? colloq. This is a nice surprise, but whatever made you/him do it? –– peygambere kulluk edeceğini/ümmet olacağını şaşırmak/bilmemek to be at a loss as to whose orders to follow. –– taşı kaldırsan, altından çıkar. colloq. 1. He has an opinion about anything you mention. 2. He has a finger in every pie. –– taş pekse/katıysa, başını ona vur. colloq. 1. Nothing can be done to help you; and if you don't believe me, go ask my boss. 2. You're to blame for the mess you're in, so don't come crying to me! Seni/Sizi –– rüzgâr attı buraya/böyle? colloq. What on earth brought you here?/Where have you been all this time?

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