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İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük
AD kıs. Anno Domini M.S. (milattan sonra), İ.S. (İsa'dan sonra).
ad i. ilan, reklam.

Türkçe İngilizce Sözlük

ad 1. name. 2. first name. 3. noun. 4. reputation, fame, name, repute. ––ına /ın/ in the name of. ––ını ağzına almamak /ın/ never to speak (someone's) name, never to mention (someone's) name. –– almak 1. to become famous; to get a reputation. 2. to choose a name for oneself. ––ını almak to take for oneself the name ..., take the name ...: Raif adını aldı. He took the name Raif. ––ı anılmamak /ın/ to be completely forgotten. ––ını anmak /ın/ to mention. ––ını (bile) anmamak /ın/ to avoid mentioning (one's) name. ––ını bağışlamak to tell one's name (when asked): ––ınızı bağışlar mısınız? May I know your name, please? ––ı batası/batasıca damn. ––ı batmak to be forgotten, not to be mentioned any more. ––ı belirsiz unknown, of obscure origin. ––ı bile okunmamak to be insignificant, be without influence. –– çekimi gram. the suffixing of possessive endings to nouns. –– çekmek to draw lots. ––ını ...a çıkarmak to present oneself as. ––ı çıkmak to be talked about, get a bad reputation. ––ı ...a çıkmak /ın/ to become known as, get a reputation as a: Adı obura çıktı. He's gotten a reputation for being a glutton. ––ı deliye çıkmak to get the reputation of being crazy. –– durumu gram. case. ––ı duyulmak to become prominent. ––ı geçen/anılan previously mentioned. ––ı geçmek 1. for someone's name to be mentioned. 2. /a/ for one's name to become a part of. ––ı gezmek /ın/ 1. for someone to be well known. 2. for someone to be a force to be reckoned with. ––ı gibi bilmek /ı/ to know (something) like the back of one's hand. ––ına gölge/leke düşürmek to besmirch one's name, tarnish one's reputation. –– gövdesi gram. nominal stem. ––ı kale alınmamak /ın/ for someone to be forgotten, not to be spoken of anymore. ––ı kalmak 1. to be remembered after one is dead. 2. to be remembered after it has gone. ––ı karışmak /a/ to be rumored to be involved in (some doubtful affair). –– kazanmak to make a name for oneself. ––ını kirletmek/lekelemek /ın/ to besmirch (someone's) name, tarnish (someone's) reputation. –– koymak /a/ to name, give a name. ––ını koymak /ın/ colloq. to put a price on, decide how much one will pay (for something). –– kökü gram. nominal root. ––ı kötüye çıkmak to get a bad reputation. ––ı okunmamak/okunmaz olmak /ın/ for someone to be completely forgotten. ––ı olmak to get an undeserved reputation. ––ı sanı (one's) identity: Adı sanı belli olmayanları içeri sokma! Don't let in anyone if you're not sure who they are! ––ıyla sanıyla (calling someone) by his full appellation: Ona adıyla sanıyla Şeker Ahmet Paşa derlerdi. His full appellation was “Sugar” Ahmet Paşa. ––ı sanı belirsiz of doubtful reputation. ––ına sunmak /ı, ın/ to dedicate (something) to (someone). –– takmak /a/ to nickname. –– tamlaması gram. two adjacent related nouns, as possessor-possessed or modifier-modified. ––ını taşımak /ın/ to be the bearer of (someone's) name; to be responsible for upholding the honor of (someone's) name. –– tümcesi gram. sentence with a copulative verb. ––ı üstünde true to his/her/its name: Adı üstünde melek gibiydi. True to her name she was like an angel. ––ı var 1. existing only in name, imaginary. 2. famous. –– verilmek to be named; to be given the name of, be named after. –– vermek 1. /a/ to name, give a name. 2. to reveal the name (of the person who did it). ––ını vermek /ın/ 1. to tell on (someone), inform on (someone). 2. to give the name of (the person who sent you). –– yapmak to become famous; to get a reputation.
ad ,-ddi being regarded, regarding, deeming.

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