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Türkçe İngilizce Sözlük
kuş 1. bird. 2. slang stupid gambler. 3. slang raw, inexperienced. 4. slang penis, *pecker. ––a benzemek/dönmek (for something) to be spoiled, be ruined, or be messed up unintentionally (usually because of abridgment or cutting). ––a benzetmek /ı/ to spoil (something) by trying to improve it. –– beyinli stupid, bird-brained. –– gibi (person) light as a feather. –– gibi uçup gitmek to die after a very short illness, go quickly, fade away fast. –– gibi yemek to eat like a bird, eat very little. –– kadar canı var. colloq. He is small and puny. –– kafesi gibi small and beautiful (building). –– kanadıyla gitmek to go very fast, fly. –– kondurmak /a/ to make or decorate (something) with great care and skill. İnsan kuş misali. colloq. It's amazing how fast people can travel. –– mu konduracak? colloq. Does he think he's going to create a masterpiece? (said sarcastically). –– uçmaz, kervan geçmez desolate, lonely (place). –– uçurmamak 1. not to allow anyone or anything to escape; not to allow anyone or anything to pass through without permission. 2. to be an alert person, be someone who's always on the qui vive. –– uykusu very light sleep.

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